Current exhibition

Am Strom 53: Poetics of Property Foto: Angelika Fischer Espen Gleditsch/Leonard Rickhard/Olve Sande kuratiert von Gustav Elgin, Jenny H. Trømborg und Katharina Wiedwald 29.06. — 11.08.2024 Eröffnung: 29.06.2024 / 15…

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Ausstellung Studierende Weissensee

5000 Pages

Mathilda Augart, Emma Brunet, Lisa Buffagni, Yan Chmarau, Bimal Fabbri, Kurt Fritsche, Joshua Gottmanns, Yunsun Kim, Mano Leyrado, Noah Lübbe, Noomi Pyk, Belen Resnikowski, Sigune Roloff, Anabel van Tilborg, Fred…

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Permanent Exhibition

In the permanent exhibition we show photographic documents (reproductions) of Edvard Munch's life and work in Warnemünde. Please note: The permanent exhibition is not presented in parallel with a special exhibition.

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